Caped Capers Compilation - Part 2

Caped Capers Compilation - Part 2

Batman the Animated Series Podcast · 2023-10-11

Our hosts are back (sort of) and bringing you part 2 of their hilarious Caped Capers scenarios.

Alex drops in briefly to explain the reason behind this compilation episode as well as give updates on Will's successfully overfunded Kickstarter campaign, when the next one is due to be launched, plus what episode of BTAS that they'll be reviewing next!

SPOILER ALERT: It's Joker's Favor

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Batman the Animated Series Podcast

A podcast where DC Comics artist & writer Will Robson and mega Batman fan Alex Robson, delve into the critically acclaimed Batman the Animated Series! This podcast takes a close look at this groundbreaking series, including: episode reviews, cast and crew interviews, toy and merchandise retrospectives, character designs, music reviews, comic book influences, and so much more. This is the definitive podcast for all BTAS fans and one you won't want to miss!

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