Earth Ancients

Earth Ancients

Cliff Dunning

Earth Ancients chronicles the growing (and often suppressed) evidence of known and unknown civilizations, their ruined cities, and artifacts developed from advanced science and technology. Erased from the pages of time, these cultures discovered and charted the heavens, developed earth-centric sciences and unleashed advancements that parallel and, in many cases, surpass our own. Join us and discover our lost history.

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Questions & Answers

How many episodes are there of Earth Ancients?

There are 791 episodes avaiable of Earth Ancients.

What is Earth Ancients about?

We have categorized Earth Ancients as:

  • Society & Culture
  • Science

Where can you listen to Earth Ancients?

Earth Ancients is available, among others places, on:

  • Spotify
  • Apple Podcasts
  • Podtail
  • Google Podcasts

When did Earth Ancients start?

The first episode of Earth Ancients that we have available was released 8 March 2014.

Who creates the podcast Earth Ancients?

Earth Ancients is produced and created by Cliff Dunning.