Exploring the Paranormal Perspective
Exploring the Paranormal Perspective - Sha WootenCome and explore with me, Shauna, as I introduce you to some amazing guests, explore the paranormal and mysteries(including serial killers and true crime), and give you information on hauntings, whether a house, thing or person(yeah ya heard that right, people gets haunts too), through my G.E.E.K.S.earches! Tune in Wednesday nights @ 8 PM CT on paraxradionetwork.com. (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fparaxradionetwork.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR15OIsQQW4hJF0kDVtinN4AgWUb9aTeWM3XBSW2RBYmmNBLnvE2EKU1OBI&h=AT3Xds89k6T0N16qTva9c2d-cT1fw9IZcrzWqDdwXu8fUdWGND4TJM3mlfLrNnWdZtgiAxoUkhM2wYdGqLyQZtpKghrNkjUyVM_BsaE-TYoLTbEQm5B94HJ2kSZWXi6jetI6) Or on https://www.kick.com/GEEKSParanormal or through here!
- No. of episodes: 61
- Latest episode: 2023-12-14
- Society & Culture Personal Journals Places & Travel