Inner Woman Wellness Intro & Background

Inner Woman Wellness Intro & Background

Inner Woman Wellness · 2020-06-11

Welcome to our Inner Woman Wellness podcast series! 

Here's an intro and background to my story and how I got building this highly collaborative and supportive platform for women. 

Inner Woman Wellness was created after I found out the hard way in how much of a difference there is between the men and women’s health care system.

​Women and their chemistry are extremely complex and to find reliable, engaging information all in one place is an absolute minefield!

Each and every single one of our bodies go through so much naturally and we have no control. Our reproductive health can have such a negative effect on the rest of our health and lives - the statistics are scary! Despite all of this, we still live in a World where all the solutions are meant to be a one size fits all, or the tailored options are very expensive for most women and the focus still isn't on women's health.

As a 26-year-old female who suffers from Endometriosis and Adenomyosis (along with a whole host of health problems that both of these illnesses have bought with them), I was let down time and time again by the system. I was part of many online communities, reading other people’s stories, finding research, advice and realised that I was not alone. Some women had even lost all strength to fight for their diagnosis and had been convinced it was all in their head, that they ended their lives.

If I went through such a horrible and confusing process to get a diagnosis, having to do my own research to be heard by medical professionals, I started to think bigger, PCOS, Infertility and something every woman goes through in her life – Menopause. Women who suffer every single day, menopause especially, why is science not shining any light on how to alleviate some of the horrific symptoms many suffer with?

We have waited to see if there was a shift in how women’s health care is represented, it is changing slowly, but many aspects still remain very taboo. Let’s accelerate this and create a platform for our voices to be heard! Women’s reproductive health problems and pain can affect not only women physically, but mentally too and can affect their life and relationships in huge ways.​

We want to bring women together from all across the World, of all ages to support and help each other so no-one feels overwhelmed and alone on their very complicated reproductive journey. We want the information, knowledge, community and products to be together within one site, instead of a million different ones where you have to go and dig for the information. We aim for our content and information to be engaging, reliable and inspiring!

If you can't find anything on what you're looking for? Ask the community and get in touch with us! We want to include as many women, with as many issues as we can so everyone can be involved, find helpful products and get the support they need. In order to do this, we need to hear from you guys! We need to hear your experiences, your knowledge, the products and services you'd suggest so we can shout about them on our platform so we can help others in a similar position!

We want you to help shape our story so please do spread the message far and wide - we really appreciate all of your support.

We have got this together! 🙌💪❤️

Inner Woman Wellness

Inner Woman Wellness is a platform and community for women to gain knowledge, find the right products and discuss women's health and wellbeing, with a focus on reproductive health.

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