Love Your Food, Love Yourself, Love Your Life
Tammy LantzWelcome! Do you think you just need to change your mindset when it comes to food? Or maybe this sounds familiar… "If I could just eat what I know I am supposed to, I would be healthier". OR "If I could lose weight, then I could be happy?" This my friend is a broken strategy! If it worked, you would already be doing it, right? Respected industry expert, Tammy Lantz and her guests guide you through how to stop the war with food, wake up excited to get dressed, and how to nourish yourself far beyond nutrition in a loving, sustainable, and easy to digest way. You can trust what you hear because Tammy brings in her years of experience as a Registered Dietitian, a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, and a Food & Body Freedom Coach for countless women. This podcast is anti-diet and is all about you! Connecting you to self-love, self-worth, and a side dish of not only food puns, but also brain science. Every week you'll learn about tools that you can use right now and in each moment forward to love your food, love yourself, and love your life. To work with Tammy directly, visit www.YourEssentialDietitian.com. This podcast is produced by Julia Levine Productions, LLC
- No. of episodes: 77
- Latest episode: 2022-12-21
- Health & Fitness Education How To Nutrition