Physician NonClinical Careers with John Jurica

Physician NonClinical Careers with John Jurica

John Jurica, MD, MPH, CPE

Physician NonClinical Careers is presented to inspire, encourage, and teach physicians how to pivot to a new career. John Jurica will present topics important to pivoting physicians and interview experts and physicians who have completed their career pivots.

Where can you listen?

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Questions & Answers

How many episodes are there of Physician NonClinical Careers with John Jurica?

There are 390 episodes avaiable of Physician NonClinical Careers with John Jurica.

What is Physician NonClinical Careers with John Jurica about?

We have categorized Physician NonClinical Careers with John Jurica as:

  • Business
  • Careers
  • Entrepreneurship

Where can you listen to Physician NonClinical Careers with John Jurica?

Physician NonClinical Careers with John Jurica is available, among others places, on:

  • Spotify
  • Apple Podcasts
  • Podtail
  • Google Podcasts

When did Physician NonClinical Careers with John Jurica start?

The first episode of Physician NonClinical Careers with John Jurica that we have available was released 16 August 2017.

Who creates the podcast Physician NonClinical Careers with John Jurica?

Physician NonClinical Careers with John Jurica is produced and created by John Jurica, MD, MPH, CPE.