233: Tiger Drop Negates Any Damage
Pod of Greed (A Yu-Gi-Oh! Podcast) · 2024-02-13
What up, I'm Aki Izayoi, I'm 17, and I never fucking learned how to drive!
Watching: Episodes 71-72 (S2 E7-8) of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's
Edited by Max
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A Noise Space Podcast
Pod of Greed (A Yu-Gi-Oh! Podcast)
The famously KaibaCorp-Sponsored Yu-Gi-Oh! podcast "Pod of Greed" is now in its 5th year of podcasting about Yu-Gi-Oh! We've watched all of Duel Monsters and GX, and after seeing Domino City descend into a tyrannical motorcycle police state, we're strapping on our helmets, revving our engines, and popping a wheelie right into 5D's!