Poema S10 004 | Shari A Smith on Trauma, Grief & Sharing Our Stories

Poema S10 004 | Shari A Smith on Trauma, Grief & Sharing Our Stories

Poema Podcast · 2024-02-05

Today I'm joined by writer, advocate and podcast host Shari A Smith. She talks to us about her advocacy works with trauma victims and survivors, and the importance of sharing our stories.

Shari shares her experiences of sharing and bearing witness to trauma and grief stories, and how its' impacted her and the people sharing those stories. She tells us how sharing stories can provide solidarity to those hearing, and a voice to those who share them, and help us in the road to healing.

Poema Podcast

Poema Podcast - Spirituality, Creativity and Reclaiming The Art Of Conversation: Hosted by James Prescott

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