Ep. 191: "Samhain" by Annie Finch
Annie Finch has been publishing and editing books of poetry and poetics for three decades.
Her most recent book is Earth Days: Poems, Chants, and Spellsin Five Directions (Nirala Publications, 2023).
Samhain is the ancient Irish and pagan festival of the autumn, the Celtic new year and the time when the spirits moved between worlds. It is the ancestor of the modern day Halloween.
There is great mystery in this poem. Enjoy.
You can read "Samhain" here
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Poems for the Speed of Life
Poems for the Speed of Life is a podcast to bring the power of poetry to your day.
Each episode includes a reading of a one poem, some thoughts and ideas, and an invitation to allow it to speak to you however it does.
Poetry is a vital exploration of the world, of ourselves, of ourselves in the world.
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- No. of episodes: 220
- Latest episode: 2024-07-09
- Education Self-Improvement