Tell me about your culture!!

Tell me about your culture!!


Hi! PodcasterのMikiです!この番組では、毎回ゲストを招いて英語で雑談をし、様々な文化や価値観について皆さんと一緒に考えていく番組。

Hi, I'm a host of the podcast, Miki!
In this podcast, I invite some guests on each episode, chat with them all in English and share our culture and values.

質問やリクエストはインスタのDMから!Feel free to DM me→

Where can you listen?

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Questions & Answers

How many episodes are there of Tell me about your culture!!?

There are 44 episodes avaiable of Tell me about your culture!!.

What is Tell me about your culture!! about?

We have categorized Tell me about your culture!! as:

  • Education
  • Language Learning

Where can you listen to Tell me about your culture!!?

Tell me about your culture!! is available, among others places, on:

  • Apple Podcasts
  • Podtail
  • Google Podcasts

When did Tell me about your culture!! start?

The first episode of Tell me about your culture!! that we have available was released 27 September 2023.

Who creates the podcast Tell me about your culture!!?

Tell me about your culture!! is produced and created by Miki.