Trimming The Musical Fat

Trimming The Musical Fat

Stephen Nicholson

Think some albums are too long? Us too! Don’t worry! We can do something about it. Join us as we critique albums from artists we love and edit them down to under 50 minutes. Can we make a good album a great one? Can we make an average album a good one? What songs will we pick? What will we drop? Will we include B-sides? Join us and our guests as we take the journey to Trim The Musical Fat!

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Questions & Answers

How many episodes are there of Trimming The Musical Fat?

There are 167 episodes avaiable of Trimming The Musical Fat.

What is Trimming The Musical Fat about?

We have categorized Trimming The Musical Fat as:

  • Music
  • Music Commentary

Where can you listen to Trimming The Musical Fat?

Trimming The Musical Fat is available, among others places, on:

  • Spotify
  • Apple Podcasts
  • Podtail
  • Google Podcasts

When did Trimming The Musical Fat start?

The first episode of Trimming The Musical Fat that we have available was released 19 March 2021.

Who creates the podcast Trimming The Musical Fat?

Trimming The Musical Fat is produced and created by Stephen Nicholson.