Episode #1 Becki, Luca & Cystic Fibrosis

Episode #1 Becki, Luca & Cystic Fibrosis

Kay and Ash: Share Your Voice · 2023-03-12

Our guest this week, and the very first guest, on Kay and Ash Share Your Voice Podcast is the lovely Becki.

Becki shares her story about her little boy Luca who was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis shortly after he was born. Becki explained to us how she and her husband first found out about Luca's diagnosis, how life with CF impacts Luca's day-to-day life, and the resources she found helpful when navigating this new way of life for her family.

For more information on CF visit www.cysticfibrosis.org.uk in the UK, and www.cfireland.ie in Ireland.

You can also follow Luca's journey on Instagram at thelifeof.luca.

Kay and Ash: Share Your Voice

Welcome to the Kay and Ash, Share Your Voice Podcast with Kayleah Long and Aisling O'Flynn.

Join us for real conversations with real people about everyday life situations and sometimes just a good catch-up amongst ourselves.

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Kay and Ash

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